Stewards of Children

Caring about kids.

Community professional development for educators, clergy, parents, caregivers, childcare professionals, and other adults who want to learn how to protect children in the community.

Child sexual abuse is challenging to talk about. Our best strategy to prevent child sexual abuse is to teach adults the prevalence of child sexual abuse within our society, how to recognize it, appropriately respond to it, and report it.

Stewards of Children is an evidence-based program developed by the nationally known organization Darkness to Light.

The workshops help professionals:

  • Recognize your power and impact within your sphere of influence.

  • Distinguish between myths and facts of child sexual abuse. 

  • Examine ways to minimize opportunities for abuse in various situations, including online and gaming environments.

  • Discuss strategies to bridge cultural gaps that may potentially inhibit open communication.

More information

Christie Lypka, Prevention Specialist

“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.”

— Nelson Mandela